As you are aware, it was during my trip to the USA in 2016 that God began to speak to me about reviving my desire to bicycle across America. In 2018, I decided to start making steps by purchasing my bicycle (a 2018 TREK 520) and getting a kick start on getting all the gear I will be needing.

I purchased my one way plane ticket for Manila to Portland Oregon for May 2nd, 2019 and I already have my supply of 200 New Testaments waiting at my "Home Base" in Sandy, Oregon.
This month, while on my Discipleship Training School outreach in the province, I began testing my DARN TOUGH socks and my VOLTAIC solar panel. The socks are doing fine EXCEPT they take a little long to dry after being washed. The VOLTAIC solar panel is charging two power banks per day, upon initial testing - but the included, internal, power bank of 1,000mAh, I can tell you right now, is not going to be strong enough for tough work loads. I travel with multiple power banks, anyhow, keeping all three of them (currently) charged. I will continue to monitor this system.
I took my bike out already in November when I had a few days in Manila BUT...the real riding and training will start during the Christmas season -- AFTER this December 24, 2018 until January, I expect to have more free time for riding. Expect a report during/after this time.
Lately, I have been thinking about the $1,000 I will need to raise to go towards my meal plan budget for the 90 days. I hope to raise this above and beyond my normal support since my wife will NOT be joining me on this solo trip but will be remaining and monitoring my travels from Manila.
I've noticed that as I share my plan of biking 90 days across the USA covering nearly 7,000 kilometers, people look at me with that, "I don't really understand-type" look. They are listening and showing interest but they REALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND what it could possibly be like to live on a bicycle for 90 days, sleeping "anywhere and everywhere" each night from ground, tent, hammock, church floor, hotel, resort, camp site. The MAGNITUDE of this type of activity has no "reference point" in most people's minds.
I get the "similar" stare when I talk to people how I have walked, or have led walking teams, around nearly every major island of the Philippines with a 12 foot, 21 kilo (43 lbs) Christian Cross, averaging 32 kilometers a day, and reaching nearly 7,000 kilometers in 15 years. They look interested but can not seem to grasp what it is like.
A few days ago, God gave me an idea of making a 90 Day Devotional Book that has ONE VERSE and included MEDITATION EXPLANATION for our many missionaries in training in the Philippines and abroad. I plan to use this 90 days of Trans American Bicycle Tour as my backdrop for my devotional.
The book will be 90 pages, featuring 90 favorite verses of mine, and co-workers of mine. I can publish it when I get back to the Philippines in LATE 2019.
This idea was birthed out of my travels with Youth With a Mission teams that will spend 84-90 days of travel as part of their Discipleship Training Schools. They spend 3 months in the classroom and 3 months on the road. They are naturally expected to "spend time with the LORD" on a daily basis but I notice how difficult of a time they have in knowing "what verse should I read or think about today?" This 90 Day Devotional for Outreaches can help meet this particular need -
So, I am excited how God is speaking to me along the way. He is inspiring me. He is giving me new ideas, like this mentioned above as I progress towards the starting line - MAY 2nd, 2019
Soon, I will be making a MASTER VIDEO LIST of all the HOW TO videos I plan to make along the road and PRODUCT REVIEW videos featuring my equipment and supplies to serve my continual YouTube channel at gomitch2.
Signing out from Cebu City. I am currently here for five days teaching in the Discipleship Training School. There are five students.